ЛитРес book store and FBReader
ЛитРес is the largest store of e-books in Russian. FBReader is integrated with ЛитРес. That means you can browse the store, buy books, and access your purchases directly from FBReader.
If you purchase on ЛитРес, you pay directly to the store. FBReader does not accept your payments and does not resell the books. However, each time you buy a book via FBReader, we get some agent fee from ЛитРес. So, by purchasing books via our app, you support the project.
The integration depends on the OS you run FBReader on
The oldest platform that supports integration is Android. This integration has a rich set of features but probably is not as transparent as it might be. We provide an illustrated guide for our Android users. It is currently in Russian only, sorry.
FBReader on desktop platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux) includes the ЛитРес integration in the library. We will publish the guide for desktop users soon, but you can start to browse the catalogue right now: everything is quite simple there. Please note that if you want to buy books on ЛитРес on your Mac, you need to install the package from our site. Purchases support is scrapped from the Mac Store edition.
FBReader for iOS does not work with ЛитРес at the moment. We are working to implement browsing the catalogue and accessing purchased books. However, there is no chance to implement direct purchasing as the App Store policy is quite strong.